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Where is the closest Bethel to me?

The best way to find the bethel closest to you, is to check our Bethel locator list. You can sort it by Bethel number or by location.

It’s been forever since I’ve been involved with a Bethel, where do I start?

Coming back home is easy! First, find a Bethel you want to be involved with, then all you have to do is:

  • Come to a meeting! Depending on how long you have been away there may be a few changes to the Bethel meeting. Watching our daughters perform ritual work will bring back memories of your time in robe.
  • Come ready to share! The daughters will probably want to know what things were like when you were an active member. Remember fun stories, Grand Bethel memories, adults who made an impact on you, and anything that stuck out during your active time.
  • Lend a hand! Each of us have developed experiences and skills that will benefit the daughters and may be used to enhance JDI.
  • Buy a fundraiser ticket! As a Majority Member, you know how crucial fundraising is to the day-to-day operations of the Bethel. When you buy a fundraising ticket not only are you helping the bethel but you get a chance to see how the Bethel functions (and maybe see a way where you can help)

What is CAV? Why is it important? How can I get one?

That’s a great question. Let’s take a look at a few of those things:

CAV stands for Certified Adult Volunteer. We require any adult or volunteer that has a leadership or chaperone role to complete a CAV class so that we can provide the safest environment for our members as possible.

We know you may have a lot of questions, so take a look at the CAV FAQ from our International JDI website.  Afterwards, if you want to become CAV certified, then come back and let us know! We’d be happy to help connect you with the next certification course.

What is a Majority Member?

A Majority Member was a Job’s Daughter who at the time of her 20th birthday was a member in good standing in a Bethel.

Do I qualify as an Alumni?

You qualify if…

  • You are a JDI Majority Member  – OR –
  • An adult who has worked with a Bethel for a minimum of three years

 What is the CAJDAA?

This stands for California Job’s Daughters Alumni Association. The purpose of this organization is to provide resources to assist the perpetuation of JDI in California. Resources may be defined as increasing Bethel membership, identifying future Bethel Guardian Council members, providing additional financial resources and identifying special skills that may be utilized to enhance the Grand Guardian Council and the JDI.

How do I get involved with CAJDAA?

Become a lifetime member by completing an application with a $30.00 application fee. Your membership will include:

  • Membership card
  • Alumni pin

To apply, contact us at and let us know you’re interested.