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Important CAV Update

Important CAV Changes for California – ALL CAV’s need to complete by November 1, 2022


Letter from the BOT – July 24, 2022 – Click Here

California CAV Adults,

As you all may know, the California State Assembly passed a child protection bill known as Assembly Bill (AB) 506. All adults working with California Job’s Daughters will need to undergo a couple new steps to remain CAVs. For existing CAVs these steps will occur in two separate timeframes to get everyone caught up.

First, starting August 1, 2022 you can take the mandatory reporting class required under California AB 506. There is no charge for this one-time online and self-directed class. To begin this in an orderly manner, the BOT would like all existing CAV’s to take the class and send the completion form to the email address set up by November 1, 2022. The link to the class is below:

At the end of the class, you will receive a certificate of completion. Please save that completion certificate and email it to JDI Supreme office at the specific address below: 

Second, as required by California AB 506 , there will now be a fingerprint process everyone must go through. We are currently awaiting final instruction from the State of California about the proper method and paperwork for that process. Once we receive our state registration number and instructions then that process can begin. As soon as we are set to go, we will communicate the cost, details, and deadlines regarding this second step. Please do not try to jump ahead on this step, doing so might mean having to do this fingerprint step again.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our JDI YPP Director at the email below.

Shelly Cole, 2021-2022 Chair, JDI Board of Trustees
Stephanie Lagerman, JDI YPP Director