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MCJD 2021 Info

Mark your calendar!  The Miss California Job’s Daughters Pageant has been moved to August 28, 2021

YES! This year, the pageant has been moved to after Supreme Session in order for our Miss California Job’s Daughter to reign in California for a longer period of time, and therefore give her more opportunities to prepare for the Miss International Job’s Daughter Pageant at Supreme in 2022.

Want to attend the Miss California Job’s Daughter Pageant IN PERSON? We would love to see you there, just click on the image to R.S.V.P. so the Pageant Committee knows how many to expect and to provide you more information regarding safety protocols as it gets closer to the event. R.S.V.P. by August 21st so you get on the list.

Not sure you want to attend in-person yet? That’s ok! We will be live streaming the event on the California Job’s Daughter YouTube page. Watch our Facebook and Instagram pages for more fun and exciting things happening this summer.

Can’t wait to see you all at the Miss California Job’s Daughter Pageant on August 28, 2021 at the Long Beach Scottish Rite Center!


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