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img_0237One way that we help young girls learn to lead is by introducing them to business, through two business meetings a month. They learn how to make motions, take minutes, structure a successful meeting, and more, all to help them learn the more effective ways to be leaders.

We conduct these meetings in rooms that we call bethels. This is also what we call our local groups that meet along with a number to help others know which bethel is which (especially when there’s more than one bethel in a city). For example, we would say that “Suzy is part of Bethel 5, Anaheim,” Meaning that she is part of the local group “5” in Anaheim.

Young girls have opportunities in these bethels to take on various roles and business tasks, positioning them well to understand all the parts of a business environment. They might be a treasurer, taking care of tracking the incoming and outgoing expenses. They might be a recorder, taking careful notes on all the discussions and decisions in the business meetings. Or they might even be elected to the leadership track, which is a 2.5 year commitment that gives girls opportunities to put what they’ve learned into practice, resulting in leading all the members of the bethel for 6 months.

This is a great opportunity for young women to get leadership experience in a safe place, and a head start on the business environment.


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